When posting a job vacancy in any job sites online, tele-marketing the job, or sending it via email to the applicants; recruitment agencies must have to show the following to be fair to the OFW applicants in spending their money for a certain job interview;
Name of the Employer: _______________________________
Address or Country of the employer: ___________________
Job Position available: _______________________________
The Salary rate: ____________________________________
Other Benefits: ____________________________________
Others: ___________________________________________
Most Recruitment Agencies are doing these unreasonable practices to their OFW Applicants;
1. They will hide the real salary rate offered by the employer to be sure that the applicant will come for the interview.
This is unfair because of the following;
A. The applicant would force to spend their hard-earned and saved money to Print a resume/CV and other documents as a preliminary requirement of the interview
a. Printing of Resume will cost P 5.00 to P10.00 per ( for 3 to 5 pages depending on its content/ a job detailed resume)
b. Photo copying of employment certificates, transcript of records, Passport, NBI, and other documents
c. Transportation expense from their province to Manila for Interview
d. Every interview even will cost much to the applicants and when the interview ends, his/her desired salary is not much to the job he is applying and spending for.
B. Many applicants are none Manila based. Some of them are from Mindanao and Visayas areas.
C. Most applicants will act only if they agreed with the posted salary offer
2. Most recruitment agencies especially in the OFW bargain place in Mabini, Ermita Manila are so greed for commissions and they will get all applicants original important documents like passport and NBI and refused to return it back to them after the applicant decided to back-out after knowing the bargain salaries.
A. Recruitment agencies did it to take control to the applicants possession and to make sure that the applicant could not make any application to other good agencies
B. This might be unlawful for the agencies to take control to somebody’s confidential information and personal identification like passport
3. Some Agencies will require an immediate GAMCA medical requirement to the applicants even though there is no employer yet.
A. This system will make the applicant spend money for unsure employment opportunities. If the medical validity will expired, the applicant will spend again for another Phase 1 and 2 amounting to Php 3,000.00 (Three Thousand Philippine Peso) or more
Those above issue must be given review and action by the Government Authorities Concerned this matter.
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Monday, December 21, 2009
The Philippine Government Authorities must imposed the Policy to the Recruitment Agencies
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